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Mommy's Little Monster

Writer's picture: GabbyGabby

I am uncertain as to exactly why I left my mother’s home for the streets of Hollywood when I was 12. Was the pain of staying so great I was forced or was the allure of freedom so enticing I was compelled? Maybe it was the combination of the two, but for whatever reason that is what I did.

It was hard. I had no means, no skills and no armor. My mother tried to get me to come home, with varying degrees of success, but really it was never the same. Like a combat veteran I couldn’t fit back in to civilian life.

When you choose a path through the dark woods sometimes you get lost. No one will come to rescue you, you have to find your own way, but without a guide mistakes will be made. Do your best little girl and don’t give up, there is a warm home waiting for you just over the hill.

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Gabby O'Neill is a LA based screenwriter. Sometimes she's a writers' assistant because she loves listening & not smudging white boards.


Gabby has this contact box here becasue she's afraid of unsavory bots acquiring her information to sell her carpet cleaning services.

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I AM NOT wasting tons of time & trying to hide from my life by keeping a blog here...ok, maybe I am, but don't judge! And if I write all this down maybe I won't forget it all...which would be a shame. I'm kinda in love with my story.

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